java - Using toUpperCase with Correct Locale -

i'm trying fix errors reported forbiddenapis. had line:

parammap.put(config.titleboost.touppercase(), titleboost); 

so, been reported error usual. i've tried that:

parammap.put(config.titleboost.touppercase(locale.getdefault()), titleboost); 

and that:

parammap.put(config.titleboost.touppercase(locale.root), titleboost); 

also that:

parammap.put(config.titleboost.touppercase(locale.english), titleboost); 

however none of them fixed error:

[forbiddenapis] forbidden method invocation: java.lang.string#touppercase() [uses default locale]

what miss?

double-check bytecode analyzing recent build output, , you're looking @ same line forbiddenapis :) . looks me source/bytecode/analysis falling out of sync — the relevant rule shouldn't flag error on string.touppercase(locale).

disclaimer: haven't used forbiddenapis myself --- wrote answer based on repo , on blog post found.
