angularjs - Odd ui-grid bug with <!DOCTYPE html[]> -

i'm experiencing seems bug in angular's ui-grid. index.html page has @ top:

<!doctype html[]> 

when run app, column headers of grids scroll of page:

enter image description here

now, if remove brackets, this:

<!doctype html> 

the grid displays correctly:

enter image description here

has worked through this? there fix?

note: remove brackets , leave @ that, our deployment tool modifies index.html file @ deployment time , adds brackets, because that's apparently well-formed html.

"well-formed" concept makes sense in xml. in rough terms, means every element has explicit start tag , explicit end tag , they in right places. has nothing content of doctype declaration.

the latest version of html specification says:

a doctype must consist of following components, in order:

  1. a string ascii case-insensitive match string "
  2. one or more space characters.
  3. a string ascii case-insensitive match string "html".
  4. optionally, doctype legacy string or obsolete permitted doctype string (defined below).
  5. zero or more space characters.
  6. a ">" (u+003e) character.

… change deployment tool making neither "well-formed" nor in way correct.

breaking doctype in way triggers quirks mode. makes browsers backwards compatible browsers of late 1990s emulating many of bugs featured.

the css breaking because depends on bugs not being present.

you could probably rewrite css designed work in quirks mode, fixing deployment tool doesn't break doctype better.
