in swift string
structure treated class object when using nscoder
method. know string
directly bridged objective-c class, nsstring
, there way make custom struct
behaves similarly? perhaps bridge custom class? want able this:
struct sortedarray <value: comparable> {} // need create bridge between // sortedarray , nssortedarray? can that? class nssortedarray <value: comparable> : nsobject, nscoding { required init?(coder adecoder: nscoder) {} func encodewithcoder(acoder: nscoder) {} } class myclass : nsobject, nscoding { private var objects: sortedarray<string> = sortedarray<string>() required init?(coder adecoder: nscoder) { guard let objects = adecoder.decodeobjectforkey("objects") as? sortedarray<string> else { return nil } self.objects = objects } func encodewithcoder(acoder: nscoder) { acoder.encodeobject(objects, forkey: "objects") } }
this isn't possible. se-0058 address it, deferred out of swift 3. final implementation of se-0058 hoped handle more objc bridging; example allowing c++ or .net bridging in more generic solution.
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