i need implement 2 variables save data result in query.
i have following query:
select * (select location location, count(*) trucks truck group location) loc outer apply ( select count(*) totalofcampaings, sum(case when cc.campaing_status = 'complete' 1 else 0 end) campaingswithcompletestatus, sum(case when cc.campaing_status = 'inprocess' 1 else 0 end) campaingswithinprocessstatus campaingcontrol cc inner join truck t on cc.vin = t.vin t.location = loc.location ) stat
this query shows next table:
i need add column @ end, in new column need percent of campaings complete status, tried this:
percent = (campaingswithcompletestatus / totalofcamapings) * 100
but dont know how save values of query that.
something this:
select loc.location, loc.trunks, stat.totalofcampaings, stat.campaingswithcompletestatus, stat.campaingswithinprocessstatus, (1.0 * stat.campaingswithcompletestatus /stat.totalofcampaings) * 100 [percent] (select location location, count(*) trucks truck group location) loc outer apply ( select count(*) totalofcampaings, sum(case when cc.campaing_status = 'complete' 1 else 0 end) campaingswithcompletestatus, sum(case when cc.campaing_status = 'inprocess' 1 else 0 end) campaingswithinprocessstatus campaingcontrol cc inner join truck t on cc.vin = t.vin t.location = loc.location ) stat
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