python - How do i make shell script open different tabs raspberry pi -

i have problem snippet of code run in few different tabs on raspberry pi

#!/usr/bin/env bash  # setup virtualenv echo "setting virtualenv..." eval "virtualenv ." eval "source bin/activate" echo "virtualenv setup successfully."  # start 1 echo "starting number 1..." eval "python -cf ./configs/config.json" echo "started number1"  # start 2 echo "starting number 2..." eval "python -cf ./configs/config2.json" echo "started number 2"  # start 3 echo "starting number 3..." eval "python -cf ./configs/config3.json" echo "started number 3" 

so each "start one" "start two" "start three" want each of run in different tabs or windows. i'm not sure if thats possible i'm new raspberry pi , linux.

how achieve this?
