amazon s3 - restore with s3cmd file from Glacier - ERROR: S3 error: 403 (Forbidden) -

info bucket , object

s3cmd info s3://$bucket/ s3://$bucket/ (bucket):    location:  eu-central-1    payer:     bucketowner    expiration rule: objects in bucket expire in '    policy:    none    cors:      none    acl:       76b81345345erfrefge473b9c6ac3c7238ceab39fddef698645c5076a41: full_control  s3cmd info s3://$bucket/$dir/$file s3://$bucket/$dir/$file (object):    file size: 21927    last mod:  tue, 21 jun 2016 08:41:03 gmt    mime type: binary/octet-stream    storage:   glacier    md5 sum:   f55ff37a27b83c96b8a492d3d3dbb904    sse:       none    policy:    none    cors:      none    acl:       76b81e6138c136e4c7e42d75773sferwf4345egrb39fddef698645c5076a41: full_control    x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs: uid:503/gname:staff/uname:john/gid:20/mode:33261/mtime:1311191701/atime:1466282917/md5:f55ff37a27b83c96b8a492d3d3dbb904/ctime:1436192978    x-amz-meta-s3tools-gpgenc: gpg 

restore glacier:

> s3cmd restore s3://$bucket/$dir/$file restore: 's3://$bucket/$dir/$file' 

and download object desktop

> s3cmd s3://$bucket/$dir/$file /users/john/desktop/                                                       download: 's3://$bucket/$dir/$file' -> '/users/john/desktop/$file’  [1 of 1] error: s3 error: 403 (forbidden) 

i receive 403. use same credentials download upload 2 months ago.

from glacier faq

data retrievals

q: how can retrieve data service?

you can download data directly service using service’s rest api. when make request retrieve data glacier, initiate retrieval job. once retrieval job completes, data available download 24 hours. retrieval jobs typically complete within 3-5 hours.

q: operations initiate jobs , why?

to retrieve archive or vault inventory, first initiate job (click here more information vault inventories). once initiate job, can call describejob api monitor progress. can have notifications automatically sent once job completes. jobs typically complete in 3-5 hours. once job completes successfully, can download data requested or access using amazon elastic compute cloud (amazon ec2).

q: how long take jobs complete?

most jobs take between 3 5 hours complete.

today restore successful

s3cmd s3://$bucket/$dir/$file /users/john/desktop/ download: 's3://$bucket/$dir/$file' -> '/users/john/desktop/$file  [1 of 1]  21927 of 21927   100% in    0s    24.66 kb/s  done 

the file not encrypted on desktop. used -e, --encrypt encrypt files before uploading s3 option uploading s3/glacier.

there apis monitoring retrievals.

job operations

the following job operations available in amazon glacier.


describe job (get jobid) job output (get output) initiate job (post jobs) list jobs (get jobs) 
