i have 3 classes of div containers. 1 outer container width:1200px, inner div rows each have inner div's desired size of 280 px. problem when create elements using dom countriesinnerdiv elements varying in size depending inside them.
here's have far:
.countriesouterdiv1{ width: 1200px; } .countriesinnerdiv{ min-width:280px; display:inline; border:1px solid black; } .rowdiv { width:100%; } here relevant javascript: function addtable() { var tablediv = document.getelementbyid("countriesouterdiv"); var i,j; var numcountries = 5; var numsectors = 5; (i = 0; < numcountries; i++) { var rowdiv = document.createelement("div") rowdiv.classname = "rowdiv"; rowdiv.id = "row"+i; (j = 0; j < numsectors + 1; j++) { var countrydata = document.createelement("div"); var sectorstring = string(i+1)+"_"+string(j); countrydata.classname = "countriesinnerdiv"; countrydata.id = "countrydata"+sectorstring; if (!((i ==0 && j == 0) || (i==0 && j ==1))) { countrydata.style.display = "none"; } if (j == 0 || (i == 0 && j == 1)) { var countrydataselect = document.createelement("select"); var addbutton = document.createelement("button"); addbutton.id = "addbutton" + sectorstring; addbutton.innerhtml = "+"; if (j != 0) { addbutton.setattribute('onclick','addordeletediv("add", "' + sectorstring + '");'); } else { if (i != numcountries - 1) { addbutton.setattribute('onclick','addcountry("' + sectorstring + '")'); } if (i != 0) { var deletecountry = document.createelement("button"); deletecountry.id = "deletebutton" + sectorstring; deletecountry.innerhtml = "-"; deletecountry.setattribute('onclick', 'deletecountry("' + sectorstring + '")'); } } countrydata.appendchild(countrydataselect); if (i != numcountries - 1) { countrydata.appendchild(addbutton); } if (i!=0) { countrydata.appendchild(deletecountry); } rowdiv.appendchild(countrydata); } else if (j == numsectors) { var countrydataselect = document.createelement("select"); var deletebutton = document.createelement("button"); deletebutton.id = "deletebutton" + sectorstring; deletebutton.innerhtml = "-"; deletebutton.setattribute('onclick','addordeletediv("delete", "' + sectorstring + '");'); countrydata.appendchild(countrydataselect); countrydata.appendchild(deletebutton); } else { var countrydataselect = document.createelement("select"); var addbutton = document.createelement("button"); var adstring = "add"; addbutton.setattribute('onclick','addordeletediv("add", "' + sectorstring + '");'); addbutton.id = "addbutton" + sectorstring; addbutton.innerhtml = "+"; var deletebutton = document.createelement("button"); deletebutton.id = "deletebutton" + sectorstring; deletebutton.innerhtml = "-"; deletebutton.setattribute('onclick','addordeletediv("delete", "' + sectorstring + '");'); countrydata.appendchild(countrydataselect); countrydata.appendchild(addbutton); countrydata.appendchild(deletebutton); } rowdiv.appendchild(countrydata); tablediv.appendchild(rowdiv); }//end of inner }//end of outer }//end of function
its cose make div display:inline; .countriesinnerdiv{ min-width:280px;
border:1px solid black; }
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