i instantiating leaflet map, tiles being scattered on page - while map within div, of tiles not respecting boundary:
<div class="widget-content listing-search-map-widget-content"> <div class="ih-map" id="map_5333811_16" style="height:450px;" data-centerpoint="38.573955 -121.442478" data-mousewheel="true" data-maptype="terrain" data-zoom="8" > </div> </div>
the javascript comes down to:
mapoptions = { attributioncontrol: true, center: { lat: 38.573955 lng: -121.442478 }, centerpoint: "38.573955,-121.442478", layers: {}, maptype: "terrain", scrollwheelzoom: false, zoom: 8 } var map = l.map( "map_5333811_16", mapoptions );
what cause tiles plot on place?a couple of tiles within bounds of div, not rest of them. can see screenshot of happens here:
this sounds symptom of missing leaflet css file, or incorrect version of file.
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