the below mocha , webdriverio script passing assertions before page loads.
i not understanding how passing when elements not yet present. after page loads, see element not clicked. fake pass? how fix in code?
var webdriverio = require('webdriverio'); var should = require('chai').should() var expect = require('chai').expect() var options = { desiredcapabilities: { browsername: 'chrome' } }; before(function() { browser=webdriverio.remote(options) return browser.init() }); describe('sauce labs page test', function() { it('should assert page title', function(done) { browser.url(''); browser.gettitle().then(function(title){ title.should.equal('platform configurator'); }); done(); }); it('should assert sub heading', function(done) { browser.gettext('h3').then(function(text) { text.should.equal('api'); console.log(text); }); done(); }); it('should click on selenium', function(done) {'#main-content > div > ng-view > div > div:nth-child(1) > div.choice-buttons.choice-api > div:nth-child(2)') done(); }); });
you should call done
callback inside .then()
handler, otherwise it's called before browser has had chance load page:
it('should assert page title', function(done) { browser.url(''); browser.gettitle().then(function(title) { title.should.equal('platform configurator'); done(); }); });
however, introduces problem: if assertion fails, done
never called (because exception thrown before it).
instead, can use fact mocha has built-in promises support. instead of using done
callback, return promise , mocha handle (and exceptions) properly:
it('should assert page title', function() { browser.url(''); return browser.gettitle().then(function(title) { title.should.equal('platform configurator'); }); });
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