how can test profiles?
that's test
@test public void testdevprofile() throws exception { system.setproperty("", "dev"); application.main(new string[0]); string output = this.outputcapture.tostring(); assert.asserttrue(output.contains("the following profiles active: dev")); } @test public void testuatprofile() throws exception { system.setproperty("", "uat"); application.main(new string[0]); string output = this.outputcapture.tostring(); assert.asserttrue(output.contains("the following profiles active: uat")); } @test public void testprdprofile() throws exception { system.setproperty("", "prd"); application.main(new string[0]); string output = this.outputcapture.tostring(); assert.assertfalse(output.contains("the following profiles active: uat")); assert.assertfalse(output.contains("the following profiles active: dev")); assert.assertfalse(output.contains("the following profiles active: default")); }
my first test executes ok others fail.
org.springframework.jmx.export.unabletoregistermbeanexception: unable register mbean [org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.jmx.dataendpointmbean@6cbe68e9] key 'requestmappingendpoint'; nested exception org.springframework.boot:type=endpoint,name=requestmappingendpoint
how can stop instance before next test start? or better approach?
i way:
@runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @springapplicationconfiguration(classes = springbootapp.class) @activeprofiles("first") public class profilefirsttest { @value("${someproperty}") private string someproperty; @test public void testproperty() { assertequals("first-value", someproperty); } }
the code above asumes have
i have 1 test class per profile wish test, 1 above profile first. if must have test on active profiles (rather property), may this:
@autowired private environment environment; @test public void testactiveprofiles() { assertarrayequals(new string[]{"first"}, environment.getactiveprofiles()); }
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