objective-c: want remove zeros trail , lead exceptions. example:
0.05000 -> 0.05 000.2300 -> 0.23 005.0 -> 5 500.0 -> 500 60.0000 -> 60 56.200000 -> 56.2 56.04000 -> 56.04
what tried [.0]+$|(^0+)
. doesn't i'm trying achieve. using nsstring regularexpressionsearch follows:
nsstring *cleaned = [somestring stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"[.0]+$|(^0+)" withstring:@"" options:nsregularexpressionsearch range:nsmakerange(0, self.dosetextfield.text.length)];
any appreciated.
sometimes best break tasks up, try these in order replacement string of @""
each time:
- initial sequence of 0's not followed dot. trim "003.0" "3.0" , "000.3" "0.3".@"(?<!\\.)0+$"
- trailing sequence of zeros not preceeded dot. "3.400" goes "3.4" , "3.000" goes "3.0"@\\.0$
- remove trailing ".0". first 2 res may leave ".0" on purpose can remove dot in step.
this isn’t way break down 3 basic tasks remove leading zeros, remove trailing zeros, , cleanup. don't need use res @ all, simple finite state machine might fit.
important: above assumes string contains decimal point, if may not need handle (left exercise).
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