Can a Yocto recipe be built using the SDK? -

i have yocto project takes quite time compile. final image meant run application , such, have custom recipe in own layer.

since building whole yocto image takes couple of ours, build sdk can cross-compile application , transfer binary running device testing.

instead of compiling binary , having transfer manually device, can use yocto recipe i've written application sdk can "call" do_package()? if other devs build .deb (assuming package_classes = "package_deb" in local.conf) sdk simplify our workflow.


huh, bluelightning beat me punch. that'll teach me not hitting refresh. anyhoo, here's 2¢:

yes, have @ devtool. goal of devtool script improve , simplify development of software target devices.

first, have developers install extensible sdk (esdk), built using command:

bitbake -c populate_sdk_ext my-image-name 

once source sdk, run these commands:

devtool modify my-recipe-name ...make changes [sdk]/workspace/source/my-recipe-name... devtool build my-recipe-name devtool package my-recipe-name 

this should produce package of app in [sdk]/tmp/deploy/rpm/[arch]/my-recipe-name, can deployed target machine.

also, have @ devtool deploy-target if target machine has network connectivity.

if give me more details on setup may able more. hope @ least gets pointed in right direction.
