i have json like:
{ "editors" : [{ "editor" : "mcgram hill", "books" : [{ "name" : "differential calculus", "year" : "1995", "times_read" : "135" }, { "name" : "2012 end of world", "year" : "2012,", "times_read" : "56" } ] }, { "editor" : "demidovich", "books" : [{ "name" : "some tittle", "year" : "1975,", "times_read" : "154" }, { "name" : "the little prince", "year" : "1987,", "times_read" : "57" } ] }, { "editor" : "adrian lopez asc.", "books" : [{ "name" : "something", "year" : "2008,", "times_read" : "10" } ] } ]
i need transform output like:
payload[0]= editor mcgram hill has: book differential calculus published in 1995 has been readed 135 times. book 2012 end of world published in 2012 has been readed 56 times. payload[1]= editor demidovich has: book tittle published in 1975 has been readed 154 times. book little prince published in 1987 has been readed 57 times. payload[2]= editor adrian lopez asc. has: book published in 2008 has been readed 10 times.
so far transform json java object, use foreach scope collection #[payload.editors] inside foreach create variable intro = "the editor #[payload.editor] has:" , after i'm lost. have tried set payload #[payload.books] , use foreach shows last book, , have try collection aggregator don't know write in "message info mapping".
how can accomplish required output?
any appreciated, in advance.
try following dataweave
%dw 1.0 %output application/json --- {(payload.editors map ((data, index) -> { payload : "the editor " ++ data.editor ++ " has:\r\n" ++ {(data.books map { pqr : "the book " ++ $.name ++ " published in " ++ $.year ++ " has been readed " ++ $.'times_read' ++ " times." })} pluck $ joinby "\r\n" }))} pluck $
json output reference. can transform java desired output.
[ "the editor mcgram hill has:\r\nthe book differential calculus published in 1995 has been readed 135 times.\r\nthe book 2012 end of world published in 2012, has been readed 56 times.", "the editor demidovich has:\r\nthe book tittle published in 1975, has been readed 154 times.\r\nthe book little prince published in 1987, has been readed 57 times.", "the editor adrian lopez asc. has:\r\nthe book published in 2008, has been readed 10 times." ]
hope helps.
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