elasticsearch - How to setup Logstash so that default configure file is read when it start up automatically as a service -

i'm trying setup logstash because want forward apache log info elasticsearch. , want start logstash process automatically when server start.

i resister logstash service , start process automatically, seems configure file has not been read service. , when start logstash using -f option work correctly, so, can contents of config file has no problem.

it's manual says , if place *.conf file under /etc/logstash/conf.d/ , service read configure file when start, never work expected.

how should configure logstash read config file when start?

this config file , has been placed on /etc/logstash/conf.d/01-httpdlog.conf

input {     file {         path => "/etc/httpd/logs/access_log"         start_position => beginning     } } filter {     grok {         match => { "message" => "%{combinedapachelog}"}     } } output {     elasticsearch {        hosts => ["xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9200"]      }     file{         path => "/tmp/result.txt"     }     stdout {} } 

it's pretty user running logstash service doesn't have permission read apache log files.

you need chmod 755 apache logs folder (in /etc/httpd/logs) , should work better.
