git - Is the same to add the files in repository using GitLab website as using cmd? -

i have java application , push repository in gitlab. did use gitlab website . created new directories , uploaded files them. not sure if right way , if have done commit or not since have used command prompt that. anyway after decided use command prompt clone repository in desktop , when cloned files uploaded using gitlab website inside folder. mean pushed , commited ok? when later type git . add --all , git commit -m "update " responds me " nothing commit , working directory clean". , after use git push take respond is: " up-to-date" . worried if have done push , ok or doing wrong?

i'm not experienced gitlab, bet ui pretty same using cmd (at least simple cases yours).

if files present after clone repo, don't worry, updated.

i recommend use command line (or desktop gui) instead of website in future: provides more control, , easy @ least basics of git on cmd
