i'm using zxing scan qr codes , show camera preview using barcodeview class. of now, scanner works great if qrcode in exact middle of camera preview. however, if qr code placed in area of preview that's not middle not scan:
here relevant code:
getting barcodeview:
cordova.getactivity().runonuithread(new runnable() { @override public void run() { // create our preview view , set content of our activity. mbarcodeview = new barcodeview(cordova.getactivity()); //configure decoder arraylist<barcodeformat> formatlist = new arraylist<barcodeformat>(); formatlist.add(barcodeformat.qr_code); mbarcodeview.setdecoderfactory(new defaultdecoderfactory(formatlist, null, null)); //configure camera (front/back) camerasettings settings = new camerasettings(); settings.setrequestedcameraid(getcurrentcameraid()); mbarcodeview.setcamerasettings(settings); framelayout.layoutparams camerapreviewparams = new framelayout.layoutparams(framelayout.layoutparams.wrap_content, framelayout.layoutparams.wrap_content); ((viewgroup) webview.getview().getparent()).addview(mbarcodeview, camerapreviewparams); camerapreviewing = true; webview.getview().bringtofront(); mbarcodeview.resume(); } });
and scan:
this.nextscancallback = callbackcontext; final barcodecallback b = this; this.cordova.getactivity().runonuithread(new runnable() { @override public void run() { if (mbarcodeview != null) { mbarcodeview.decodesingle(b); } } });
if above code isn't sufficient, whole project can found here
i'm trying make qr code can detected in portion of camera preview, not middle. ideas on how accomplish this?
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