javascript - jQuery: how to read the name attribute? -

this question has answer here:

i have little of issue writing script.

$(function(){  $(".wolny").click(function() { var godzina =; var minuta =; alert(godzina + ":" + minuta); 


alert should give me output looking hour:minute. instead of getting this: hour:undefined. dont know :x

here's html code (php generated)

<div class="col-sm-3 kafelek wolny" name="15" id="9"></div> 

thank's help.

try using .attr() function instead so:

var minuta = $(this).attr('name'); 

this works because name in case attribute , not property. work random attribute foo may add.

a better way add data attribute data-name="something" , read $(this).data(name).

working example:

$(function(){     $(".wolny").click(function() {        var godzina =;        var minuta = $(this).attr('name');        alert(godzina + ":" + minuta);     });  });  
<script src=""></script>  <div class="col-sm-3 kafelek wolny" name="15" id="9"> click me! </div>
