c# - Could not load file or assembly when connect to database in UWP -

i working on universal windows applications, in 1 of project want connect azure sql database, added below code using sqlconenction class.

try {     sqlconnection connection = null;     string query = null;     //datetime datetime = datetime.now;     connection = new sqlconnection("data source=xxxxx.database.windows.net;initial catalog=xxxxx_db;integrated security=false;user id=xxxxx;password=xxxxx;connect timeout=60;encrypt=false;trustservercertificate=true;applicationintent=readwrite;multisubnetfailover=false");     connection.open();     // converts image file byte[]     // byte[] imgdata = file.readallbytes(app.m_photostoragefile.path);     query = "insert [dbo].[delivery_analytics.xxxxxx] (name,mobilenumber,companyname,deliveryaddress,image,timestamp)" +                     "values ('" + nametxtbx.text + "','" + mobilenumtxtbx.text + "','" + comapanynametxtbx.text + "','" + deliveryaddress + "','" + picturetxtbx.text + "','" + datetime + "')";      using (sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(query, connection))     {         cmd.executenonquery();         connection.close();     } } catch (exception ex) {  } 

but when trying open sqlconnection got below exception.

could not load file or assembly system.threading.thread, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified.

please tell me how resolve issue.

sqlconnection not windows runtime/uwp, that's why got exception.

we can not access sql server database uwp app directly, have create service layer access database.

the right way create web service , our app can consume retrieve data.

for example, can choose azure app service.
