javascript - Highmaps min and max zoom level -

i'm trying define limit zoom level, want increase it, user can go on map. because country i'm showing on map, there region small shape not visible, if correctly defined geojson, , there label on it.

you can take reference following code highmaps developers:

$('#container').highcharts('map', {         title : {             text : 'zoom in on country double click'         },         mapnavigation: {             enabled: true,             enabledoubleclickzoomto: true         },          coloraxis: {             min: 1,             max: 1000,             type: 'logarithmic'         },          series : [{             data : data,             mapdata: highcharts.maps['custom/world'],             joinby: ['iso-a2', 'code'],             name: 'population density',             states: {                 hover: {                     color: '#bada55'                 }             }         }]     }); 

found solution:

setting minrange property on both xaxis , yaxis:

the minimum range display on axis. entire axis not allowed span on smaller interval this, in terms of shape path coordinates. defaults 5 times size of smallest area.

$('#container').highcharts('map', {         title : {             text : 'zoom in on country double click'         },         xaxis: {             minrange: 1         },         yaxis: {             minrange: 1         },  ..... 
