i'm newbie in r. have data set 3 set of lung function measurements 3 corresponding dates given below each observation. extract slope each observation(decline in lung function) using r software , insert in new column each observation.
1. how should approach problem?
2. data set arranged in right format?
id fev1_date11 fev1_date12 fev1_date13 date11 date12 date13 18105 1.35 1.25 1.04 6/9/1990 8/16/1991 8/27/1993 18200 0.87 0.85 9/12/1991 3/11/1993 18303 0.79 4/23/1992 24204 4.05 3.95 3.99 6/8/1992 3/22/1993 11/5/1994 28102 1.19 1.04 0.96 10/31/1990 7/24/1991 6/27/1992 34104 1.03 1.16 1.15 7/25/1992 12/8/1993 12/7/1994 43108 0.92 0.83 0.79 6/23/1993 1/12/1994 1/11/1995 103114 2.43 2.28 2.16 6/5/1994 6/21/1995 4/7/1996 114101 0.73 0.59 0.6 6/25/1989 8/5/1990 8/24/1991
if understood question, think want slope between each set of visits:
library(dplyr) group_by(df, id) %>% mutate_at(vars(starts_with("date")), funs(as.date(., "%m/%d/%y"))) %>% do(data_frame(slope=diff(unlist(.[,2:4]))/diff(unlist(.[,5:7])), after_visit=1+(1:length(slope)))) ## source: local data frame [18 x 3] ## groups: id [9] ## ## id slope after_visit ## <int> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 18105 -2.309469e-04 2 ## 2 18105 -2.830189e-04 3 ## 3 18200 -3.663004e-05 2 ## 4 18200 na 3 ## 5 18303 na 2 ## 6 18303 na 3 ## 7 24204 -3.484321e-04 2 ## 8 24204 6.745363e-05 3 ## 9 28102 -5.639098e-04 2 ## 10 28102 -2.359882e-04 3 ## 11 34104 2.594810e-04 2 ## 12 34104 -2.747253e-05 3 ## 13 43108 -4.433498e-04 2 ## 14 43108 -1.098901e-04 3 ## 15 103114 -3.937008e-04 2 ## 16 103114 -4.123711e-04 3 ## 17 114101 -3.448276e-04 2 ## 18 114101 2.604167e-05 3
alternate munging:
group_by(df, id) %>% mutate_at(vars(starts_with("date")), funs(as.date(., "%m/%d/%y"))) %>% do(data_frame(date=as.date(unlist(.[,5:7]), origin="1970-01-01"), # in event wanted keep data less awful , have 1 observation per row, preserves date class reading=unlist(.[,2:4]))) %>% do(data_frame(slope=diff(.$reading)/unclass(diff(.$date))))
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