byte buddy says works java 9, there code it: bytebuddyagent.install(forjigsawvm.instance)
use simple bytebuddyagent.install()
should check possibilities (including java 9/jigsaw), fails.
i'm doing wrong? or doesn't support java 9 yet?
the support java 9 still experimental recent versions of byte buddy support attachment on recent ea builds of java 9:
instrumentation instrumentation = bytebuddyagent.install();
make sure are:
- running recent version of byte buddy.
- running recent version of java 9.
do note byte buddy cannot yet process java 9 class files due asm not supporting it. if require it, use byte-buddy-dep package , explicitly add dependency asm in version 6.0_alpha. doing so, allows use byte buddy on java 9 close no limitations (i still evening out edges).
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