using capistrano push ruby on rails application hosted on digitalocean server. previous dev team built deployment configuration, i'm trying push update stored on github repo.
the 'cap production deploy' command goes through, nothing on server changes. trace on command line mile long, can post if help.
here's deploy.rb file:
require 'soprano' require 'bundler/capistrano' require 'capistrano/ext/multistage' require 'whenever/capistrano' require 'leipreachan/capistrano2' set :default_environment, { 'path' => '/home/deploy/.rbenv/shims:/home/deploy/.rbenv/bin:$path' } set :web_server, :nginx set :keep_releases, 3 set :repository, '' set :deploy_via, :copy set :copy_exclude, %w(.git .idea .yardoc tmp log .ds_store doc/* public/uploads.tar db/*.sql vendor/cache) set :copy_cache, true set :bundle_without, [:development, :test] set :bundle_flags, '--deployment --binstubs' set :user, 'deploy' before 'deploy:setup', :db after 'deploy:create_symlink', 'utils:version' after 'deploy:update_code', 'db:symlink' #for troubleshooting namespace :deploy task :update_code, :except => { :no_release => true } #on_rollback { run "rm -rf #{release_path}; true" } strategy.deploy! finalize_update end end
edit 8/9/2016: here's tail end of command firing. doesn't threw error, nothing on server changes.
2016-07-19 14:11:49 executing `deploy:create_symlink' * executing "rm -f /var/www/apps/mpm/current && ln -s /var/www/apps/mpm/releases/20160719180333 /var/www/apps/mpm/current" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 99ms triggering after callbacks `deploy:create_symlink' * 2016-07-19 14:11:49 executing `utils:version' * executing "cd /var/www/apps/mpm/releases/20160719180333 && echo r1 > app_version" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 94ms ** transaction: commit * 2016-07-19 14:11:49 executing `deploy:restart' * executing "sudo service mpm restart" servers: [""] [] executing command ** [out ::] mpm stop/waiting ** [out ::] mpm start/running, process 21131 command finished in 214ms
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