ios - Xamarin Forms push notifications with Azure Notifications Hub -

i'm struggling push notifications working xamarin forms , i'd appreciate help.

i've been following this tutorial, appears out of date.

i'm concerned ios @ moment. here's i've done:

i've setup app service in azure , created notification hub it. i've created apns cert via apple developer centre , uploaded notification hub necessary apple push notifications. , have necessary provisioning profile certificate signing app run on device.

here code in appdelegate class:

public override bool finishedlaunching (uiapplication app, nsdictionary options)     {         global::xamarin.forms.forms.init ();         var setup = new iosappcontainersetup();         loadapplication (new app (setup));          // register push notifications.         var settings = uiusernotificationsettings.getsettingsfortypes(             uiusernotificationtype.alert             | uiusernotificationtype.badge             | uiusernotificationtype.sound,             new nsset());          uiapplication.sharedapplication.registerusernotificationsettings(settings);         uiapplication.sharedapplication.registerforremotenotifications();          return base.finishedlaunching (app, options);     }      public override void registeredforremotenotifications(uiapplication application, nsdata devicetoken)     {         const string templatebodyapns = "{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"$(messageparam)\"}}";          jobject templates = new jobject();         templates["genericmessage"] = new jobject         {           {"body", templatebodyapns}         };          // register push mobile app         push push = appcontainer.mobileserviceclient.getpush();         push.registerasync(devicetoken, templates);     }       public override void didreceiveremotenotification(uiapplication application, nsdictionary userinfo, action<uibackgroundfetchresult> completionhandler)     {         uialertview avalert1 = new uialertview("notification", "got something", null, "ok", null);;          nsdictionary aps = userinfo.objectforkey(new nsstring("aps")) nsdictionary;          string alert = string.empty;         if (aps.containskey(new nsstring("alert")))             alert = (aps[new nsstring("alert")] nsstring).tostring();          //show alert         if (!string.isnullorempty(alert))         {             uialertview avalert = new uialertview("notification", alert, null, "ok", null);   ;         }     } 

i suspect issue line somewhere

push push = appcontainer.mobileserviceclient.getpush(); 

that line wrapper around this

var client = new mobileserviceclient(apiconstants.push_notification_url); 

which done elsewhere in app. suspect using wrong url, nothing obvious. i've tried url of app service , notification hub endpoint, , in various shapes, i.e. dropping protocol, dropping trailing slashes...etc.

nothing seems work , i'm @ point i'm tearing hair out :)

like said, tutorial seems out of date, , other tutorials i've found equally lacking. i'm testing directly via test send option under notification hub via azure portal, nothing gets sent device, or @ least device isn't showing notification.

any awesome, or if you've found more useful tutorial online somewhere please drop me link.

ok, seems tutorial referenced in question perhaps incorrect, or @ least incomplete. able push notifications working following code here, kindly given link mike on xamarin team.

cheers mike!
