i trying set factory in app.js of ionic app. have following code should work state provider throwing me off , im not sure states should be. suggested use app.js code factory working leaves no room routes. have tried different variations of following no lck. thnk in advance.
(function() { 'use strict'; angular .module('starter', []) // in real application should put dependencies.. ['ng...'] //.run(runfunction) // commenting make work here .controller('mainctrl', mainctrl) .factory('myservice', myservice); // commenting make work here.. /*function runfunction($ionicplatform) { $ionicplatform.ready(function() { // hide accessory bar default (remove show accessory bar above keyboard // form inputs) if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.keyboard) { cordova.plugins.keyboard.hidekeyboardaccessorybar(true); cordova.plugins.keyboard.disablescroll(true); } if (window.statusbar) { // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required statusbar.styledefault(); } }) }*/ mainctrl.$inject = ['$scope', 'myservice']; function mainctrl($scope, myservice) { function getsuccess(response) { $scope.items = response.data; } function geterror(response) { console.log('of course error since url invalid, should work valid url!'); } myservice.getall() .then(getsuccess) .catch(geterror); } function myservice($http) { var factory = { getall: getall }; return factory; function getall() { return $http.get("url"); // -> should url } } })(); // dont know config goes? .config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider) { $stateprovider // setup abstract state tabs directive .state('tab', { url: '/tab', abstract: true, templateurl: 'templates/tabs.html' }) .state('login', { url: "/login", cache: false, controller: 'accountctrl', templateurl: "templates/login.html" }) .state('list', { url: "/list", cache: false, controller: 'listctrl', templateurl: "templates/list.html" }) $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/tab/dash'); });
i don't see have included ui.router in app. work $stateprovider should place ui.router module in depenencies, , should include angular-ui-router.js files in project.
angular .module('starter', ['ui.router']) // in real application should put dependencies.. ['ng...'] //.run(runfunction) // commenting make work here .controller('mainctrl', mainctrl) .factory('myservice', myservice);
module provides $stateprovider.
after .config can go along module .controller
, .factory
. config defined on app:
angular.module('starter', ['ui.router']) .config(configfn) //configfn function have in .config .controller('mainctrl', mainctrl) .factory('myservice', myservice);
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