qt - QML import QtCharts module error -

when try import qtcharts module qml files y same warning message:

"found not working imports: file: c:/.... module "qtcharts" not installed"

i'm using opensource qtcreator 4.0.3 qt 5.7.0.

i have folder qtcharts in path: c:\qt\5.7\mingw53_32\qml

i've included folder path using property in .pro file:

qml2_import_path: c:\qt\5.7\mingw53_32\qml 

what missing?

here simple test code:

// qtchartstest.pro

template = app  qt += qml quick qt += charts  config += c++11  sources += main.cpp  resources += qml.qrc  # additional import path used resolve qml modules in qt creator's code model  qml2_import_path = c:\qt\5.7\mingw53_32\qml   # default rules deployment. include(deployment.pri) 

// main.cpp

#include <qguiapplication> #include <qqmlapplicationengine>  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     qguiapplication app(argc, argv);      qqmlapplicationengine engine;     engine.load(qurl(qstringliteral("qrc:/main.qml")));      return app.exec(); } 

// main.qml

import qtquick 2.7 import qtquick.window 2.2 import qtcharts 2.1  window {     visible: true     width: 640     height: 480     title: qstr("hello world")      text {         text: qstr("hello world")         anchors.centerin: parent     } } 

i stuck on similar issue , frustrated qt's documentation on subject, i'll put method of solving own issues here posterity.

i'm not sure of exact cause of issue, can offer suggestion try , troubleshoot it.

in main.cpp add following line. qdebug()<<engine.importpathlist();

so main be

#include <qguiapplication> #include <qqmlapplicationengine> #include <qdebug>  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     qguiapplication app(argc, argv);     qqmlapplicationengine engine;     qdebug()<<engine.importpathlist();     engine.load(qurl(qstringliteral("qrc:/main.qml")));      return app.exec(); } 

this include complete list of include paths. if not see include path listed there can add adding following line:


where "directory" qstring include directory.

my understanding qml2_import_path variable applies @ run time, , not @ compile time, means qtcreator not see path when compiles. engine.addimportpath(directory); on other hand adds path prior starting qml engine, (and first qml import statements)

i not saying best way solve issue, did me solve issue.
