vhdl - Is there a way to specify a library name in Incisive using command line interface? -

in modelsim can specify library name used, example:

vlib mypersonallib vcom -work mypersonallib foo.vhd vsim mypersonallib.foo 

is there way in incisive without manipulating hdl.var or cds.lib files?. using -work ncvhdl requires prior setup of files (ie: error "logical library name work bound bad library")

you need @ least create file - cds.lib. in cds.lib define mapping of work name physical directory. directory must created before ncvlog invoked.

#cds.lib define mypersonallib ./mypersonallib 

then can run work library command prompt.

mkdir  ./mypersonallib  ncvlog your_file.v  -work mypersonallib -sv  

you warning message ( if have not created hdl.var file) . *w,dlnohv: unable find 'hdl.var' file load in. can ignore or use -nowarn dlnohv suppress it.
