geodjango - Django django.contrib.gis.db MultiPolygonField extract points -

  1. i didnt find documentation geo dgango contains details fields. can see not telling inside fields , how it... can find deep view on fields of geodjango such multipolygonfield ?

  2. im trying extract points in multipolygonfield. tried:

    mpoly = models.multipolygonfield(srid=4326, null=false, blank=false)  def get_tooltip_title(self):     result = "polygon: [["     poly in self.mpoly.choices:         point in poly.coordinates:             result += "("             result += str(point.x)             result += ","             result += str(point.y)             result += "),"         result += "],"      result += "]"     return result 

    but there no "choises" in field , didnt found documentation field. how can points of multipolygonfield?

though geodjango multipolygon isn't documented, mysql multipolygon

a multipolygon multisurface object composed of polygon elements.

multipolygon examples

on region map, multipolygon represent system of lakes.

the postgis multipolygon documented few visual examples.

basically multipolygon collection of elements may touch not intersect.
