sql server - Remove duplicate address_id from sql data set -

i need distinct address_id in result no duplication. here query.

select distinct address.address_id, address.address1, address.streetcity, state.stateabbrev, rtrim(ltrim(case when address.streetzipcode not null , address.streetzipcode != 'null' address.streetzipcode else '' end))+case when len(address.streetzipplus4)>0 '-'+rtrim(ltrim(address.streetzipplus4)) else '' end streetzipcode, address.homephone,         dbo.f_addressstudent (student.address_id) students,          dbo.f_addresspeople (student.address_id) adults,         case              when @classif_id null 0              else              student.classif_id          end classif,         classifctn     district with(nolock)          join dbo.building on building.district_id = district.district_id          join dbo.studbldg_bridge with(nolock) on studbldg_bridge.bldg_id=building.bldg_id         join dbo.student with(nolock) on student.student_id = studbldg_bridge.student_id         join classif with(nolock) on student.classif_id = classif.classif_id         left join dbo.address with(nolock) on student.address_id = address.address_id          left join dbo.state with(nolock) on address.streetstate_id = state.state_id         left join dbo.state mailstate with(nolock) on address.state_id = mailstate.state_id     district.district_id = (select district_id dbo.building with(nolock) bldg_id = @bldg_id)     order classif,adults, students 

here result of query query result error in data

i have tried group , use aggregate function address_id have non-aggregate columns didn't worked me. after tried using over(partition address.address_id) didn't worked.

any appreciated in advance.


**update on business logic/requirements **

i need unique addresses parents of students. parent can have 2 or more children living in same address, causes duplication. need 1 child per parent in other words.

from image of results looks classifctn column has more 1 value repeating row that. in order 1 distinct address_id , rest of columns either remove query or can set precedence return 1 record per address_id

further please tag rdbms ware using. mysql example doesn't have window functions yet tagged yet referenced using over(partition.... not possible in mysql

;with cte (     select distinct address.address_id, address.address1, address.streetcity, state.stateabbrev, rtrim(ltrim(case when address.streetzipcode not null , address.streetzipcode != 'null' address.streetzipcode else '' end))+case when len(address.streetzipplus4)>0 '-'+rtrim(ltrim(address.streetzipplus4)) else '' end streetzipcode, address.homephone,           dbo.f_addressstudent (student.address_id) students,            dbo.f_addresspeople (student.address_id) adults,           case               when @classif_id null 0               else               student.classif_id            end classif,           classifctn,            row_number() on (partition address.address_id order how choose?) rownum         district with(nolock)            join dbo.building on building.district_id = district.district_id            join dbo.studbldg_bridge with(nolock) on studbldg_bridge.bldg_id=building.bldg_id           join dbo.student with(nolock) on student.student_id = studbldg_bridge.student_id           join classif with(nolock) on student.classif_id = classif.classif_id           left join dbo.address with(nolock) on student.address_id = address.address_id            left join dbo.state with(nolock) on address.streetstate_id = state.state_id           left join dbo.state mailstate with(nolock) on address.state_id = mailstate.state_id        district.district_id = (select district_id dbo.building with(nolock) bldg_id = @bldg_id) )  select *     cte     rownum = 1 order     classif     ,adults     ,students 

alternatively nest select query. note though solution useless return 1 grade/classifctn when more 1 exists in household if don't care column should remove query.

actually both classifctn , classif columns cause multiple rows when more 1 student @ same address. here way concatenate values single row. should spend more time on business case , defining us. here 1 example you:

select distinct     address.address_id     ,address.address1     ,address.streetcity     ,state.stateabbrev     ,ltrim(rtrim(isnull(nullif(address.streetzipcode,'null'),'')))        + case when len(address.streetzipplus4) > 0 '-' else '' end        + ltrim(rtrim(isnull(address.streetzipplus4,''))) streetzipcode     ,address.homephone     ,dbo.f_addressstudent (student.address_id) students     ,dbo.f_addresspeople (student.address_id) adults     , case         when @classif_id null 0         else student.classif_id        end classif          ,stuff(         (select ',' + cast(classif_id varchar(100))                     classif c         c.classif = student.classif         xml path(''))         ,1,1,'') classifs          ,stuff(         (select ',' + cast(classifctn varchar(100))                     classif c         c.classif = student.classif         xml path(''))         ,1,1,'') classifctns     district with(nolock)      inner join dbo.building     on building.district_id = district.district_id     , building.bldg_id = @bldg_id     inner join dbo.student with(nolock)     on student.student_id = studbldg_bridge.student_id     inner join dbo.address with(nolock)     on student.address_id = address.address_id      left join dbo.state with(nolock)     on address.streetstate_id = state.state_id 

note when ahead , changed zip code logic show use of isnull() , nullif() helpful in cases that. removed 3 tables because 2 not used , third ends being used in subselect concatenate values. address table changed inner join because if address doesn't exist of other information becomes blank/useless....

inner join dbo.studbldg_bridge with(nolock) on studbldg_bridge.bldg_id=building.bldg_id         left join dbo.state mailstate with(nolock) on address.state_id = mailstate.state_id     inner join classif with(nolock) on student.classif_id = classif.classif_id 
