vba - How to delete rows from excel files if a cell in a particular column contains the string of array? -

i have many excel files in many folders , need delete rows files in column ex. b words array:

for ex. bad words list:

the sun, tree, big car, cup, ....

if a2 column 'the sun star @ center of solar system.' - row has been deleted.

if in column 'thesunis the..' - row has been deleted. bad!

and questions:

  1. how delete rows exact words of array element?
  2. how count array elements?
  3. how escape single quote in array element (example in code below)
  4. how open files folder "c://folder" , after run code save all?

here code:

sub code()     dim myvalue string     dim integer     '------------------------------------------------------     arrayvaluetoremove = array("the sun", "code 'in", "another")     range("b:b").select     '------------------------------------------------------     each cell in selection         myvalue = cstr(cell.value)         = 0 2             if instr(1, lcase(myvalue), lcase(arrayvaluetoremove(a))) > 0                 cell.entirerow.delete                 exit             end if         next     next cell end sub 

sub deletebadwordrows()     dim currentfile, currentsheet, badwords variant, lastrow, integer, basedirectory string     '------------------------------------------------------     basedirectory = "c:\folder\"     badwords = array("the sun", "code 'in", "another")     '------------------------------------------------------     currentfile = dir(basedirectory)     while (currentfile <> "")         workbooks.open basedirectory + currentfile             each currentsheet in workbooks(currentfile).worksheets                 lastrow = currentsheet.cells(currentsheet.rows.count, "b").end(xlup).row                 j = 1 lastrow                     = 0 ubound(badwords)                         if instr(1, lcase(cstr(currentsheet.cells(j, "b").value)), lcase(badwords(i))) > 0                             currentsheet.rows(j).delete                             j = j - 1                             lastrow = lastrow - 1                             exit                         end if                     next                 next             next         workbooks(currentfile).save         workbooks(currentfile).close         currentfile = dir     wend end sub 
