matlab - Unable to create audio compressor filter -

function takes input string, name of video. it's read video vision.videofilereader function , returns same video, using thevision.videofilewriter function. both input video output videos have audio. processing of video 6 mb, have output of video more 1 gb. function has no errors, have compress. using videocompressor, can compress video 350 mb, use theaudiocompressor, obtaining error. code, following error returned.

function [ nframes ] = showmovie( video ) v = videoreader(video); videofreader = vision.videofilereader(video); videofwriter = vision.videofilewriter('framerate',v.framerate,'audioinputport',1,'videocompressor', 'mjpeg compressor','audiocompressor','mjpeg compressor');  [audio,fs] = audioread(video); op=floor(fs/v.framerate);  nframes = 0;  while ~isdone(videofreader)     nframes=nframes+1;     frame=step(videofreader);     audios=audio( (nframes-1)*op + 1 : nframes*op , : );     step(videofwriter,frame,audios); end  release(videofreader); release(videofwriter); end 

i can't use property audiocompressor. tried both compressor mjpeg , dv video encoder value, error:

error using videofilewriter / step unable create audio compressor filter  error in showmovie (line 15)  step (videofwriter, frame, audios); 

the audiocompressor compressor works in system is: 'none (uncompressed)'
tried on 64 bit version of matlab (r2014b).
reason windows system lacks x64 (64 bit) audio codec supported matlab.
note: 64 bit matlab requires x64 codecs, , 32 bit matlab requires x86 codecs.

when use videowriter.audiocompressor = ' % <tab> key suever mentioned,

enter image description here

when tried same code using 32 bit version of matlab (r2013b), got following list:

  • ac-3 acm codec
  • ac-3 acm extensible
  • ccitt a-law
  • ccitt u-law
  • gsm 6.10
  • ima adpcm
  • microsoft adpcm
  • none (uncompressed)

note: video codecs shown in 64 bit version, not displayed in 32 bit matlab.
guess displaying video codecs in audiocompressor matlab bug.

just record, tried <tab> key before suever posed answer.
read in matlab documentation:

to launch tab completion functionality, type following open quote.


a list of compressors available on system appear after press tab key

the following code sample works in system:

video = 'xylophone.mpg';  v = videoreader(video); videofreader = vision.videofilereader(video); videofwriter = vision.videofilewriter('framerate',v.framerate,'audioinputport',1,'videocompressor', 'mjpeg compressor','audiocompressor', 'none (uncompressed)');  [audio,fs] = audioread(video); op=floor(fs/v.framerate);  nframes = 0;  while ~isdone(videofreader)     nframes=nframes+1;     frame=step(videofreader);     audios=audio( (nframes-1)*op + 1 : min(nframes*op, length(audio)) , : );      %handle last audio sample.     if (length(audios) < op)         audios = [audios; audios(1:op - length(audios), :)];     end      step(videofwriter,frame,audios); end  release(videofreader); release(videofwriter); 

i searching web free x64 audio codec works matlab, couldn't find one.
