php - Guard authentication and serializable user -

i have been assigned task improve authentication system on symfony-based website. details don't matter, what's important new guard component (introduced in symfony 2.8) fitted task.

i have following problem: guard manage authenticate user & redirect homepage, access homepage refused (authenticationexpiredexception thrown) , user redirected login. user pov, seems login fail.

the problem appear simple project :

/* not writing getters, setters , annotations here readability */ class customuser implements userinterface, \serializable {     private $id;     protected $username;     protected $salt;     protected $password;      public function __construct() {         $this->salt = md5(uniqid(null, true));     }      public function serialize() {         return serialize(array($this->id,));     }      public function unserialize($serialized) {         list($this->id,) = unserialize($serialized);     } } 

the guard class:

class customguardauthenticator extends abstractguardauthenticator {     private $container;     private $router;      public function __construct(containerinterface $container) {         $this->container = $container;         $this->router = $container->get('router');     }      public function start(request $request, authenticationexception $authexception = null) {         $response = new redirectresponse($this->router->generate('login'));         return $response;     }      public function getcredentials(request $request) {         if ($request->getpathinfo() != '/login_check' || !$request->ismethod('post')) {             return null;         }          return array(             'username' => $request->request->get('_username'),             'password' => $request->request->get('_password'),         );     }      public function getuser($credentials, userproviderinterface $userprovider) {         $user = $userprovider->loaduserbyusername($credentials['username']); /* no problem here, user correctly fetched */         return $user;     }      public function checkcredentials($credentials, userinterface $user) {         $encoder = $this->container->get('security.password_encoder');         if (!$encoder->ispasswordvalid($user, $credentials['password'])) { /* no problem here either */             throw new badcredentialsexception();         }          return true;     }      public function onauthenticationfailure(request $request, authenticationexception $exception) {         $response = new redirectresponse($this->router->generate('login'));         return $response;     }      public function onauthenticationsuccess(request $request, tokeninterface $token, $providerkey) {         /* debugging show reach */         return new redirectresponse($this->router->generate('homepage'));     }      public function supportsrememberme() {         return false;     } } 


security:     encoders:         appbundle\entity\customuser:             algorithm:        sha1             encode_as_base64: false             iterations:       1      providers:         main:             entity: {class: appbundle\entity\customuser, property: username}      firewalls:         dev:             pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/             security: false          main:             pattern: ^/             anonymous: true             guard:                 authenticators:                     - security.custom.guard      access_control:         - { path: ^/security/*, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously}         - { path: ^/, roles: [role_user] } 
  • if user class not implements serializable, work.
  • if user class implements equatableinterface checking id, work.
  • if use equivalent authenticationprovider instead of guard, work.

i'd avoid having use 1 of 3 workarounds. of i'd understand problem, , not feel 2 last days wasted!

any appreciated :)
