Maven repo and experimental git branches -

i have main development on git master branch, , build mvn. sometimes, create temporary "experimental" branch pursue particular algorithm idea or refactor. of experiments don't lead want them go, blow branch away again , go master.

question: how best keep ~/.m2 repository being polluted code on experimental branch? both branches have same version identifier (there no point in incrementing on experimental branch) , builds overwrite each other.

i create different build profiles specifying different .m2 directories, know i'll forget specify them when building. also, require me create different profile each throw-away branch, , makes throw-away branches far less appealing in git.

is there better way?

update: i'm thinking use different artifact id on different branch. if there mechanism in maven declare property this:

<myprop>$(git branch | grep '^\*' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')</myprop> 

but guess there isn't.
