r - parallel::clusterExport - non exported library/package function -

similar this question

but how clusterexport package's non-exported function cluster? reason passed my tests before submitting cran isn't working in production. obviously, want fix , resubmit cran.

library(imputemulti) library(parallel) imputemulti:::count_compare # function exported  nnodes <- 2l cl <- parallel::makecluster(nnodes)      parallel::clusterexport(cl, varlist= c("count_compare")) # fails -- passed tests parallel::clusterexport(cl, varlist= c("count_compare"), envir= as.environment("package:imputemulti")) # fails 

i'm using cluster export avoid cran/r cmd check note "use of ::: in package". obviously, export count_compare, that's not desirable choice.

any appreciated!

adding tests information:

devtools::test("imputemulti", "count_levels") loading imputemulti testing imputemulti int- count_levels works: ...............................  done =========================================================================================================================================== 

you can use equivalent call clustercall this.

parallel::clustercall(cl, assign, "count_compare", count_compare, envir = .globalenv) 

see definition of clusterexport verify doing same thing.
