sql - How to return a specific character string -

i have table thousands of rows of data similar this.

note ---- lb mn im 12 18 20  cin # ew80851r tj ified kgm nteal icne cinac12345t cannot locate ncr  last verified 06 05 14 cin number ty56478p front od 00612  last verified cin#ad89521y me side c 05 05 14 spc 0   verified pd imb cin pu12301r  last verified  pc po con fc  d verified 02/29/2016 no copy  cin#fg62301f 

each row contains word cin followed several characters.

for example: cin # ew80851r, cinac12345t, cin number ty56478p, cin#ad89521y, cin pu12301r, cin#fg62301f

how write query return only:

note ---- cinew80851r cinac12345t cinty56478p cinad89521y cinpu12301r cinfg62301f 

with little xml, string parser , cross apply, can process entire data set.

you'll note added second record

declare @yourtable table (id int,note varchar(max)) insert @yourtable values (1,'lb mn im 12 18 20  cin # ew80851r tj ified kgm nteal icne cinac12345t cannot locate ncr  last verified 06 05 14 cin number ty56478p front od 00612  last verified cin#ad89521y me side c 05 05 14 spc 0   verified pd imb cin pu12301r  last verified pc po con fc  d verified 02/29/2016 no copy  cin#fg62301f'), (2,'l tj kgm teal icne last verified 06 05 14 front od 00612  last verified cin#zz89256y me side c 05 05 14 spc 0   verified pd imb cin zzpu12301r  last verified pc po con fc  d verified 02/29/2016 no copy  cin#zz62301f')  -- create mapping/normaization table declare @map table (mapseq int,mapfrom varchar(25),mapto varchar(25)) insert @map values (1,char(13),' '),(2,char(10),' '),(3,' cin number ',' cin'),(4,' cin # ',' cin'),(5,' cin#',' cin'),(6,' cin ',' cin')  -- convert base data xml declare @xml xml,@string varchar(max) set @xml = (select keyid=id,string=+' '+note+' ' @yourtable xml raw)  -- convert xml varchar(max) , apply global search & replace  select @string = cast(@xml varchar(max)) select @string = replace(@string,mapfrom,mapto) @map order mapseq  -- convert xml select @xml = cast(@string xml)  -- generate final results select a.id       ,cin  = b.key_value  (         select id        = t.col.value('@keyid', 'int')               ,newstring = t.col.value('@string', 'varchar(max)')           @xml.nodes('/row') t (col)       )  cross apply (select * [dbo].[udf-str-parse](a.newstring,' ') key_value 'cin%') b 


id  cin 1   cinew80851r 1   cinac12345t 1   cinty56478p 1   cinad89521y 1   cinpu12301r 1   cinfg62301f 2   cinzz89256y     << dummy record 2   cinzzpu12301r   << dummy record 2   cinzz62301f     << dummy record 

the udf

create function [dbo].[udf-str-parse] (@string varchar(max),@delimeter varchar(10)) --usage: select * [dbo].[udf-str-parse]('dog,cat,house,car',',') --       select * [dbo].[udf-str-parse]('john cappelletti here',' ') --       select * [dbo].[udf-str-parse]('id26,id46|id658,id967','|') --       select * [dbo].[udf-str-parse]('hello world. it. is. . raining.today','.')  returns @returntable table (key_ps int identity(1,1), key_value varchar(max)) begin    declare @xml xml;set @xml = cast('<x>' + replace(@string,@delimeter,'</x><x>')+'</x>' xml)    insert @returntable select key_value = ltrim(rtrim(string.value('.', 'varchar(max)'))) @xml.nodes('x') t(string)    return  end 
