How to print the variable and use it from the if sentence in windbg script? -

1,for how print variable, used following sentence windbg script, fail print it.

 r @$t0 = 123;    .printf  @$t0 

2,how use variable in if sentence, still found failed.

 r @$t0 = 123;  .if(@$t0 ==123) { .printf  @$t0 } 

how modify them?

i think way use pseudo-register isn't wrong, but:

1) .printf() takes format string in c

2) default, numbers in hex rather decimals, use 0n or 0x mention base explicitly

3) historically shouldn't have used '@' set pseudo register 'r', although believe works in either way

r $t0 = 0n123; .if ( @$t0 == 0n123 ) {   .printf "%d", @$t0  } 
