i working on test automation of angular app using protractor+jasmine, , used ng-file uploader upload files in our app. automation script uploads file in chrome browser not working in firefox browser , getting following error :
message: failed: element not visible , may not interacted with
stack: elementnotvisibleerror: element not visible , may not interacted
code snippet file upload
this.uploadfile = function (uploadfile) { var filetoupload = uploadfile; var absolutepath = path.resolve(__dirname, filetoupload); $('input[type="file"]').sendkeys(absolutepath); element(submitbtn).click(); }; <label style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 0px; height: 0px; border: medium none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" tabindex="-1"> upload <input id="ngf-{{ id }}" type="file" ngf-change="onchange($file)" ngf-keep="{{ keep }}" required="required" ngf-validate="{{ validate }}" ngf-pattern="{{ pattern }}" ngf-accept="{{ allowedmime }}" ngf-multiple="{{ multipleallowed }}" ngf-model-invalid="invalid" ng-model-options="{ allowinvalid: multipleallowed }" ng-model="files" ngf-select="" ngf-drop="" name="{{ name }}" accept=".csv,text/plain,application/vnd.ms-excel"/>
any appreciated!!
woohoo..!! fixed issue , able upload file in firefox browser.
please see code :
this.uploadfile = function (uploadfile) { if(browser.browsername === 'firefox') { browser.executeasyncscript(function(callback) { document.queryselectorall('body>label')[0].setattribute('style', 'position: absolute'); callback(); }); } var filetoupload = uploadfile; var absolutepath = path.resolve(__dirname, filetoupload); $('input[type="file"]').sendkeys(absolutepath); element(uploadbtn).click(); };
and getting browser name, please add following in conf.js file
onprepare: function () { browser.driver.getcapabilities().then(function(caps){ browser.browsername = caps.get('browsername'); }); }
also note document.queryselectorall('body>label')[0].setattribute('style', 'position: absolute'); remove attribute in hidden label tag making input tag(child of label tag) visible , set position absolute.
so firefox won't throw error : element not visible , may not interacted with
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