c# - OpenGL4Net WM_PAINT does not exist? -

i'm trying opengl4net working c# in microsoft visual studio comunity 2015.

i've downloaded file: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ogl4net/files/rev.%2037/x64/

and followed these instructions: https://sourceforge.net/p/ogl4net/wiki/tutorials/

at first console application starting again windows form application seems if going using window opposed making own.

so far various refrances have been added, form1.cs untouched , program.cs looks this:

using system; using system.collections.generic; //using system.linq; using system.threading.tasks; using system.windows.forms; using opengl4net;  namespace pads2 {     class program : form     {         renderingcontext rc;          static void main(string[] args)         {             program program = new program();             program.init();             application.run(program);         }          // required open gl         void init()         {             rc = renderingcontext.createcontext(this);             setstyle(controlstyles.allpaintinginwmpaint, true);         }          void render()         {             gl.clear(gl.color_buffer_bit);              // here right place draw scene              rc.swapbuffers();         }          // change window size         protected override void onsizechanged(eventargs e)         {             gl.viewport(0, 0, clientsize.width, clientsize.height);             // projection matrix may need adjusting         }          // required open gl         protected override void wndproc(ref message m)         {             switch (m.msg)             {                 case windows.wm_paint: render(); break;                 default: base.wndproc(ref m); break;             }         }     } }      /*     static class program     {         /// <summary>         /// main entry point application.         /// </summary>         [stathread]         static void main()         {             application.enablevisualstyles();             application.setcompatibletextrenderingdefault(false);             application.run(new form1());         }     }     /* 

the compiler seems unhappy comment @ end of code, main issue recieve error:

the type or namespace name 'wm_paint' not exist in namespace 'windows' (are missing assembly reference?)

i've been unable find reference need wm_paint online, including reference system.windows did not help.

q: how can solve , setting correctly?

wm_paint described in detail in msdn entry:


the article omits pod value, being integer constant "15".
