i attempting set email-sending lambda function triggered sns topic in cloudformation, reason not working. went in , checked of dependencies/permissions after lambda & sns went , seems in order, when publish topic nothing happens. when manually test lambda in lambda console, works perfectly.
"resources": { "cloudformationeventhandlerlambdaexecutionrole": { "type": "aws::iam::role", "properties": { "path": "/", "policies": [ { "policyname": "cloudformationtrigger", "policydocument": { "statement": [ { "effect": "allow", "action": [ "ses:*" ], "resource": [ "arn:aws:ses:*" ] } ] } } ], "assumerolepolicydocument": { "statement": [ { "action": [ "sts:assumerole" ], "effect": "allow", "principal": { "service": [ "lambda.amazonaws.com" ] } } ] } } }, "cloudformationeventhandlerlambdafunction": { "type": "aws::lambda::function", "properties": { "handler": "lambda_function.lambda_handler", "role": { "fn::getatt": [ "cloudformationeventhandlerlambdaexecutionrole", "arn" ] }, "code": { "s3bucket": { "ref": "bucket" }, "s3key": "cloudformationeventhandler.zip" }, "runtime": "python2.7", "timeout": "30" }, "dependson": [ "cloudformationeventhandlerlambdaexecutionrole" ] }, "cloudformationeventhandlerlambdainvokepermission": { "type": "aws::lambda::permission", "properties": { "action": "lambda:invokefunction", "sourceaccount": { "ref": "aws::accountid" }, "principal": "sns.amazonaws.com", "sourcearn": { "ref": "cloudformationtopic" }, "functionname": { "fn::getatt": [ "cloudformationeventhandlerlambdafunction", "arn" ] } } }, "cloudformationtopic": { "type": "aws::sns::topic", "properties": { "displayname": "cloudformationingesttopic", "subscription": [ { "endpoint": { "fn::getatt": [ "cloudformationeventhandlerlambdafunction", "arn" ] }, "protocol": "lambda" } ] }, "dependson": [ "cloudformationeventhandlerlambdafunction" ] } }
python ses lambda
import boto3 client = boto3.client('ses') def lambda_handler(event, context): message = """ event: {} context: {} """.format(event, context) response = client.send_email( source='***censored***', destination={ 'toaddresses': [ ***censored***' ] }, message={ 'subject': { 'data': 'cfmtest' }, 'body': { 'text': { 'data': message } } } )
the sourceaccount
resource type meant used cloudwatch logs, cloudwatch rules, s3 , ses.
after removing field cloudformationeventhandlerlambdainvokepermission
resource on template, able invoke lambda function publishing sns topic.
refer this documentation more information regarding lambda permissions
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