javascript - Property 'x' is private and only accessible within class 'y' -

i have piece of code:

   import { component } '@angular/core';     import { navcontroller, loading, alert } 'ionic-angular';      @component({       templateurl: 'build/pages/search/search.html',     })      export class searchpage {     constructor (....)     {          // code here     }      finditems()     {             let loading = loading.create({                 content: "finding items..."             });              this.nav.present(loading);             // other stuff here     } 

when run ionic serve shows correctly when click button calls finditems() method error:

error ts2341: property 'create' private , accessible within class 'loading 

an analogous errors appears if do:

let alert = alert.create({                     title: 'hello!',                 }); 

in case in terminal appears following message:error ts2341: property 'create' private , accessible within class 'alert'.

i'm working ionic2 version 2.0.0-beta.36

edit: applies beta 11 , higher

this because create private function of class loading, , therefore not callable outside of loading class.

the code example ionic's documentation shows loadingcontroller class used instantiate loading object desired options. start there.

import { loadingcontroller }  'ionic-angular';  //...  constructor(private loadingcontroller: loadingcontroller) {  }  finditems() {   let loading = this.loadingcontroller.create({   content: "finding items..."   duration: 3000   });    loading.present();   // other stuff here } 
