when start task button clicked want invisible timer start, , when finished task button clicked want time took finish task displayed. after 60 seconds want time displayed in in minutes , after 60 minutes want time hours.
right when fun code show time shows time in seconds.
let starttime; const timer = typeof performance !== `undefined` && typeof performance.now === `function` ? performance : date; const startbutton = document.getelementbyid('start'); const stopbutton = document.getelementbyid('stop'); const display = document.getelementbyid('display'); startbutton.onclick = () => { console.debug('start') starttime = timer.now(); }; stopbutton.onclick = () => { console.debug('stop') display.innerhtml = math.round((timer.now() - starttime) / 1000); }; <h1> <!-- shows heading of entire checklist --> master on call checklist </h1> <ul class="checklist ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-isolate-scope ui-sortable" ui-sortable="sortableoptions" ng-model="task"> <li> <!-- puts bullet point in front of title--> <h2> <!-- shows heading of task done after hours --> <a href="#"> <!-- makes title blue --> done after regular work hours</a> </h2> </li> <li> <h2> <!-- shows heading of task done during regular hours --> <a href="#"> done during regular work hours </a> </h2> </li> <li> <h2> <!-- shows heading of task need looked @ --> <a href="#"> tasks need checked throughout week </a> </h2> </li> <button type="button" id="start">start task</button> <p style="float:left;"></p> <!-- heading review cameras , adjest needed --> <a> review cameras , adjest needed </a> <button type="button" id="stop">finished task</button> <div id="display"></div>
try this:
stopbutton.onclick = () => { console.debug('stop'); var time = math.round((timer.now() - starttime) / 1000); if (time >= 60) { >= 1 minute time = time / 60; // minutes if (time >= 60) { // >= 1 hour time = time / 60; // hours } } display.innerhtml = time; };
the minutes , hours displayed decimals unless round (or floor) well. assume, however, want displayed more "1:15" or "2:20:15" instead, take care of that:
stopbutton.onclick = () => { console.debug('stop'); var totalseconds = math.round((timer.now() - starttime) / 1000); var totalminutes = math.floor(totalseconds / 60); var totalhours = math.floor(totalseconds / 60 / 60); var displayseconds = totalseconds - totalminutes * 60; // gets number of seconds display var displayminutes = totalminutes - totalhours * 60; // gets number of minutes display var strdisplaytime = (totalhours > 0 ? (totalhours + ':') : '') + (displayminutes > 0 || totalhours > 0 ? ((displayminutes >= 10 ? '' : '0') + displayminutes + ':') : '') + ((displayseconds >= 10 ? '' : '0') + displayseconds) display.innerhtml = strdisplaytime; };
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