Grid's TCheckColumn not working in Delphi 10.1 Berlin firemonkey application -

we moving our application xe6 10.1 berlin , have custom grid style not working. test, went xe6 @ default gridstyle & checkcellstyle when using tcheckcolumn , works fine. went 10.1 berlin , tested default gridstyle , checkcellstyle when using tcheckcolumn , not work. i.e., checkbox not show unless click on row in grid....and after show, can't check or uncheck it. bug or there else need in 10.1 berlin?

the difference between xe6 fmx.grid , delphi 10.1 berlin fmx.grid, tcheckcolumn, in xe6 checkboxes visible if linked tvalue empty. case until d10 seattle. in d10.1 berlin changed so, checkboxes visible if linked tvalue either false or true. if tvalue empty checkbox not shown.

in d10.1 berlin following test (similar document example) works me:

type   tform27 = class(tform)     grid1: tgrid;     column1: tcolumn;     checkcolumn1: tcheckcolumn;     stringcolumn1: tstringcolumn;     procedure grid1getvalue(sender: tobject; const acol, arow: integer;       var value: tvalue);     procedure grid1setvalue(sender: tobject; const acol, arow: integer;       const value: tvalue);     procedure formcreate(sender: tobject);   private     { private declarations }     arr: array of tvalue;   public     { public declarations }   end;  implementation  procedure tform27.formcreate(sender: tobject); begin   setlength(arr, grid1.rowcount); end;  procedure tform27.grid1getvalue(sender: tobject; const acol, arow: integer;   var value: tvalue); begin   if acol = 1     value := arr[arow]; end;  procedure tform27.grid1setvalue(sender: tobject; const acol, arow: integer;   const value: tvalue); begin   if acol = 1    arr[arow] := value.asboolean; end; 

and @ runtime looks this:

enter image description here

here have visited 3 rows , show checkboxes.

and comparison xe6 test;

enter image description here
