Jenkins Workflow Parallel step and closures -

i'm trying run few suits tests in parallel part of workflow. create map, put there couple of closures , pass parallel step. issue i'm facing related name of html report. after execution, see few identical "html report" links, can't open specific report - of them have same name. had tried make name unique, these attempts not successful. faced similar thing?

def testexecutions = [:]  def testexecution = {    node {         //code run tests          publishhtml(target: [allowmissing: false,                               alwayslinktolastbuild: false,                               keepall: true, reportdir: 'target/reports',                               reportfiles: 'index.html',                               reportname: "html report " + it)    } }  (int = 0; < 2; i++) {     final k =      testexecutions.put("tests $k", {testexecution(k)}) }  parallel(testexecutions) 

maybe testexecution() function lacks it parameter?

def testexecution(it) = {     node {         ....     } } 
