linux - Whiptail is not running my bash commands -

i've created bash program using whiptail give graphical type interface user setup system. reason script isn't running of bash commands though, instead seems cycling through outputting log.txt file, no packages being installed.

status=0      touch log.txt      while [ $status -lt 100 ];         # update apt repos         apt-get update         wait         echo "apt-get update" >> log.txt         let status=status+15         echo $status         # update apt package         apt-get upgrade         wait         echo "apt-get upgrade" >> log.txt         let status=status+15         echo $status         # install required packages         apt-get -y git-all nmap hydra         wait         echo "apt-get -y git-all nmap hydra" >> log.txt         let status=status+10         echo $status         # install rbenv         git clone ~/.rbenv         wait         echo "cloning rbenv" >> log.txt         echo 'export path="$home/.rbenv/bin:$path"' >> ~/.bash_profile         echo 'exporting path' >> log.txt         ~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv init         wait         echo 'initializing rbenv' >> log.txt         git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build         wait         echo "cloning ruby-build" >> log.txt         rbenv install 2.1.4         wait         echo "installing ruby 2.1.4" >> log.txt         let status=status+25         echo $status       done | whiptail --gauge "setting neo (this take time)..." 40 78 0 

so, confirm while loop running, started echoing things log.txt. here output:

apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get -y git-all nmap hydra cloning rbenv exporting path initializing rbenv cloning ruby-build installing ruby 2.1.4 

what have done wrong?

first, since have no backgrounded processes, wait not doing anything.

second, since whiptail reading stdin, need ensure stdout apt-get, git, rbenv, etc commands redirected stderr, or better, log.

    # update apt repos     echo "apt-get update" >> log.txt     apt-get update >>log.txt 2>&1     (( status += 15 ))     echo $status      # update apt package     echo "apt-get upgrade" >> log.txt     apt-get upgrade >> log.txt 2>&1     (( status += 15 ))     echo $status 

and on.
