html - How I can use smint to scroll top in my one page website? -

i'm making 1 page website , want use smint(jquery plugin) scroll right section in webpage. made navbar , when click section1 @ navbar site scroll top not top. navbar position fixed because want staying top when page scrolling page. problem because section1 under navbar. , when click section2 jump section2 section2 in navbar not active? ideas how can fix problem.

//jquery.smint.js  /*    smint v1.0 robert mccracken  smint v2.0 robert mccracken awesome ryan clarke (@clarkieryan) , mcpacosy ‏(@mcpacosy)  smint v3.0 robert mccracken awesome ryan clarke (@clarkieryan) , mcpacosy ‏(@mcpacosy)    smint first dabble jquery plugins!    if smint, or have suggestions on how improved, send me tweet @rabmyself    */      (function(){      	$.fn.smint = function( options ) {    		var settings = $.extend({  			'scrollspeed'  : 500,  			'myselector'     : 'div'  		}, options);    		// adding class users div  		$(this).addclass('smint');      				  		  		//set variables needed  		var optionlocs = new array(),  			lastscrolltop = 0,  			menuheight = $(".smint").height(),  			smint = $('.smint'),          	sminta = $('.smint a'),          	myoffset = smint.height();                  		if ( settings.scrollspeed ) {  				var scrollspeed = settings.scrollspeed  			}    		if ( settings.myselector ) {  				var myselector = settings.myselector  		};        		return sminta.each( function(index) {                			var id = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];    			if (!$(this).hasclass("extlink")) {  				$(this).attr('id', id);  			}    			  			//fill menu  			optionlocs.push(array(  				$(myselector+"."+id).position().top-menuheight,   				$(myselector+"."+id).height()+$(myselector+"."+id).position().top, id)  			);    			///////////////////////////////////    			// initial top offset menu   			var stickytop = smint.offset().top;	    			// check position , make sticky if needed  			var stickymenu = function(direction){    				// current distance top  				var scrolltop = $(window).scrolltop()+myoffset;     				// if scroll more navigation, change position fixed , add class 'fxd', otherwise change absolute , remove class  				if (scrolltop > stickytop+myoffset) {   					smint.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top':0,'left':0 }).addclass('fxd');    					// add padding body make loss in heigt when menu goes fixed position.  					// when item fixed, removed flow height doesnt impact other items on page  					$('body').css('padding-top', menuheight );	  				} else {  					smint.css( 'position', 'relative').removeclass('fxd');   					//remove padding added.  					$('body').css('padding-top', '0' );	  				}       				// check if position inside change menu  				// courtesy of ryan clarke (@clarkieryan)  				if(optionlocs[index][0] <= scrolltop && scrolltop <= optionlocs[index][1]){	  					if(direction == "up"){  						$("#"+id).addclass("active");  						$("#"+optionlocs[index+1][2]).removeclass("active");  					} else if(index > 0) {  						$("#"+id).addclass("active");  						$("#"+optionlocs[index-1][2]).removeclass("active");  					} else if(direction == undefined){  						$("#"+id).addclass("active");  					}  					$.each(optionlocs, function(i){  						if(id != optionlocs[i][2]){  							  							$("#"+optionlocs[i][2]).removeclass("active");  						}  					});  				}  			};    			// run functions  			stickymenu();    			// run function every time scroll  			$(window).scroll(function() {  				//get direction of scroll  				var st = $(this).scrolltop()+myoffset;  				if (st > lastscrolltop) {  				    direction = "down";  				} else if (st < lastscrolltop ){  				    direction = "up";  				}  				lastscrolltop = st;  				stickymenu(direction);    				// check if @ bottom of page, if so, add class last <a> last div  				// isnt long enough scroll top of page , trigger active state.    				if($(window).scrolltop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()) {  	       			sminta.removeclass('active')  	       			$(".smint a:not('.extlink'):last").addclass('active')  	       			     				} else {     					sminta.last().removeclass('active')     				}  			});    			///////////////////////////////////////                    	$(this).on('click', function(e){  				// gets height of users div. used off-setting scroll menu doesnt overlap content in div jst scrolled  				var myoffset = smint.height();               		// stops hrefs making page jump when clicked  				e.preventdefault();  				  				// hash of button clicked  				var hash = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];    				    				var goto =  $(myselector+'.'+ hash).offset().top-myoffset;  				  				// scroll page desired position!  				$("html, body").stop().animate({ scrolltop: goto }, scrollspeed);  				  				// if link has '.extlink' class ignored   		 		// courtesy of mcpacosy ‏(@mcpacosy)  				if ($(this).hasclass("extlink"))                  {                      return false;                  }    			});	      			//this lets yo use links in body text scroll. add class 'intlink' button , scroll    			$('.intlink').on('click', function(e){  				var myoffset = smint.height();       				e.preventdefault();  				  				var hash = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];    				if (smint.hasclass('fxd')) {  					var goto =  $(myselector+'.'+ hash).position().top-myoffset;  				} else {  					var goto =  $(myselector+'.'+ hash).position().top-myoffset*2;  				}  				  				$("html, body").stop().animate({ scrolltop: goto }, scrollspeed);    				if ($(this).hasclass("extlink"))                  {                      return false;                  }    			});	  		});    	};    	$.fn.smint.defaults = { 'scrollspeed': 500, 'myselector': 'div'};  })(jquery);                    //call smint  $(document).ready( function(){  	  					$('.menubar').smint();  	  	  				});  				
html{  	background: #84b6f4;  	  }      .box{  	position: absolute;  	top: 0;  	left: 0;  	height: 46px;  	width: 100%;  	margin: 0;  	padding: 0;	  	background-color: black;  	  	  }    .nav{  	position: fixed;  	top: 0;  	left: 0;  	height: 46px;  	width: 100%;  	font-family: arial;  	list-style-type: none;  	overflow: hidden;  	margin: 0;  	padding: 0;	  	background-color: #18ac11;  }  .nav li{  	  	float: left;  	  	  }  .nav li a{  	display: block;  	color: black;  	text-align: center;  	padding: 14px 16px;  	text-decoration: none;  }  .nav li a:hover{  	background-color: #11740b;  	  }    /*smint active section*/    .active {  	background: #25aae1;  }    .section1{  	background: red;  	  }  .section2{  	background: blue;  	  }  .section3{  	background: yellow;  	  }
<script src=""></script>  <!doctype html>      				  				    	<body>  		<div class="menubar">  			<ul class="nav">  				<li><a href="#section1">selection1</a></li>  				<li><a href="#section2">selection2</a></li>  				<li><a href="#section3">selection3</a></li>  			</ul>  		</div>  		  	    	  		  		<div class="section1">  			<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><h1>section1</h1><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>  		</div>  		  		<div class="section2">  			<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><h1>section2</h1><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>  		</div>  		  		<div class="section3">  			<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><h1>section3</h1><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>  		</div>  		  		  	</body>

here 2 fixes

  1. scroll top

    html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; }

  2. active menu item

    .menubar { height: 46px; }

//jquery.smint.js  /*    smint v1.0 robert mccracken  smint v2.0 robert mccracken awesome ryan clarke (@clarkieryan) , mcpacosy ‏(@mcpacosy)  smint v3.0 robert mccracken awesome ryan clarke (@clarkieryan) , mcpacosy ‏(@mcpacosy)    smint first dabble jquery plugins!    if smint, or have suggestions on how improved, send me tweet @rabmyself    */      (function(){      	$.fn.smint = function( options ) {    		var settings = $.extend({  			'scrollspeed'  : 500,  			'myselector'     : 'div'  		}, options);    		// adding class users div  		$(this).addclass('smint');      				  		  		//set variables needed  		var optionlocs = new array(),  			lastscrolltop = 0,  			menuheight = $(".smint").height(),  			smint = $('.smint'),          	sminta = $('.smint a'),          	myoffset = smint.height();                  		if ( settings.scrollspeed ) {  				var scrollspeed = settings.scrollspeed  			}    		if ( settings.myselector ) {  				var myselector = settings.myselector  		};        		return sminta.each( function(index) {                			var id = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];    			if (!$(this).hasclass("extlink")) {  				$(this).attr('id', id);  			}    			  			//fill menu  			optionlocs.push(array(  				$(myselector+"."+id).position().top-menuheight,   				$(myselector+"."+id).height()+$(myselector+"."+id).position().top, id)  			);    			///////////////////////////////////    			// initial top offset menu   			var stickytop = smint.offset().top;	    			// check position , make sticky if needed  			var stickymenu = function(direction){    				// current distance top  				var scrolltop = $(window).scrolltop()+myoffset;     				// if scroll more navigation, change position fixed , add class 'fxd', otherwise change absolute , remove class  				if (scrolltop > stickytop+myoffset) {   					smint.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top':0,'left':0 }).addclass('fxd');    					// add padding body make loss in heigt when menu goes fixed position.  					// when item fixed, removed flow height doesnt impact other items on page  					$('body').css('padding-top', menuheight );	  				} else {  					smint.css( 'position', 'relative').removeclass('fxd');   					//remove padding added.  					$('body').css('padding-top', '0' );	  				}       				// check if position inside change menu  				// courtesy of ryan clarke (@clarkieryan)  				if(optionlocs[index][0] <= scrolltop && scrolltop <= optionlocs[index][1]){	  					if(direction == "up"){  						$("#"+id).addclass("active");  						$("#"+optionlocs[index+1][2]).removeclass("active");  					} else if(index > 0) {  						$("#"+id).addclass("active");  						$("#"+optionlocs[index-1][2]).removeclass("active");  					} else if(direction == undefined){  						$("#"+id).addclass("active");  					}  					$.each(optionlocs, function(i){  						if(id != optionlocs[i][2]){  							  							$("#"+optionlocs[i][2]).removeclass("active");  						}  					});  				}  			};    			// run functions  			stickymenu();    			// run function every time scroll  			$(window).scroll(function() {  				//get direction of scroll  				var st = $(this).scrolltop()+myoffset;  				if (st > lastscrolltop) {  				    direction = "down";  				} else if (st < lastscrolltop ){  				    direction = "up";  				}  				lastscrolltop = st;  				stickymenu(direction);    				// check if @ bottom of page, if so, add class last <a> last div  				// isnt long enough scroll top of page , trigger active state.    				if($(window).scrolltop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()) {  	       			sminta.removeclass('active')  	       			$(".smint a:not('.extlink'):last").addclass('active')  	       			     				} else {     					sminta.last().removeclass('active')     				}  			});    			///////////////////////////////////////                    	$(this).on('click', function(e){  				// gets height of users div. used off-setting scroll menu doesnt overlap content in div jst scrolled  				var myoffset = smint.height();               		// stops hrefs making page jump when clicked  				e.preventdefault();  				  				// hash of button clicked  				var hash = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];    				    				var goto =  $(myselector+'.'+ hash).offset().top-myoffset;  				  				// scroll page desired position!  				$("html, body").stop().animate({ scrolltop: goto }, scrollspeed);  				  				// if link has '.extlink' class ignored   		 		// courtesy of mcpacosy ‏(@mcpacosy)  				if ($(this).hasclass("extlink"))                  {                      return false;                  }    			});	      			//this lets yo use links in body text scroll. add class 'intlink' button , scroll    			$('.intlink').on('click', function(e){  				var myoffset = smint.height();       				e.preventdefault();  				  				var hash = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];    				if (smint.hasclass('fxd')) {  					var goto =  $(myselector+'.'+ hash).position().top-myoffset;  				} else {  					var goto =  $(myselector+'.'+ hash).position().top-myoffset*2;  				}  				  				$("html, body").stop().animate({ scrolltop: goto }, scrollspeed);    				if ($(this).hasclass("extlink"))                  {                      return false;                  }    			});	  		});    	};    	$.fn.smint.defaults = { 'scrollspeed': 500, 'myselector': 'div'};  })(jquery);                    //call smint  $(document).ready( function(){  	  					$('.menubar').smint();  	  	  				});  				
html, body {  	padding: 0;  	margin: 0;  }    html{  	background: #84b6f4;  	  }    .menubar {  	height: 46px;  }    .box{  	position: absolute;  	top: 0;  	left: 0;  	height: 46px;  	width: 100%;  	margin: 0;  	padding: 0;	  	background-color: black;  	  	  }    .nav{  	position: fixed;  	top: 0;  	left: 0;  	height: 46px;  	width: 100%;  	font-family: arial;  	list-style-type: none;  	overflow: hidden;  	margin: 0;  	padding: 0;	  	background-color: #18ac11;  }  .nav li{  	  	float: left;  	  	  }  .nav li a{  	display: block;  	color: black;  	text-align: center;  	padding: 14px 16px;  	text-decoration: none;  }  .nav li a:hover{  	background-color: #11740b;  	  }    /*smint active section*/    .active {  	background: #25aae1;  }    .section1{  	background: red;  	  }  .section2{  	background: blue;  	  }  .section3{  	background: yellow;  	  }
<script src=""></script>  <!doctype html>      				  				    	<body>  		<div class="menubar">  			<ul class="nav">  				<li><a href="#section1">selection1</a></li>  				<li><a href="#section2">selection2</a></li>  				<li><a href="#section3">selection3</a></li>  			</ul>  		</div>  		  	    	  		  		<div class="section1">  			<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><h1>section1</h1><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>  		</div>  		  		<div class="section2">  			<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><h1>section2</h1><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>  		</div>  		  		<div class="section3">  			<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><h1>section3</h1><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>  		</div>  		  		  	</body>
