i trying convert large html file pdf. want set first page , following page number.
i have used following code
converter = new htmltopdf() dim file string = "c:\temp\document5.pdf" converter.options.pdfpagesize = pdfpagesize.a4 converter.options.pdfpageorientation = pdfpageorientation.portrait converter.options.margintop = 20 converter.options.marginbottom = 20 converter.options.marginleft = 10 converter.options.marginright = 10 converter.options.displayfooter = true dim doc pdfdocument = converter.converthtmlstring(htmlstring) converter.footer.totalpagesoffset =2 converter.footer.firstpagenumber = 2 doc.save(file) ' close pdf document doc.close()
but part not working,
converter.footer.totalpagesoffset =2 converter.footer.firstpagenumber = 2
and there know total pages?
here's how handle page numbering using selectpdf , asp.net mvc razor.
for (int x = 0; x < pdf.pages.count; x++) { if (x > 0 && x != pdf.pages.count - 1) { // not number first/last page pdfpage page = pdf.pages[x]; pdftemplate customfooter = pdf.addtemplate(page.pagesize.width, 33f); page.displayfooter = true; pdfhtmlelement customhtml = new pdfhtmlelement(domain + "/template/_pagenumber?pagenum=" + x.tostring() + "&totalpages=" + pdf.pages.count.tostring()); customfooter.add(customhtml); page.customfooter = customfooter; } }
and here's _pagenumber.cshtml file looks like...
<div style="margin-right:48px;margin-left:48px;height:46px;position:relative;top:-4px;z-index:999;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6"> <small>company info goes here</small> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 text-right"> <small><strong>page @(request.querystring["pagenum"]) of @(request.querystring["totalpages"])</strong></small> </div> </div> </div>
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