Matlab: How to plot without color graduation? -

my friend has made script handle lot of data , plot various plots, when runs script, graphs have different colors according legend , when it, graphs similar color graduation black red! (see picture) why differ , how graphs in different colors?

2d plot color graduated graphs:-

2d plot color graduated graphs

figure hold on plot(sentar_7.created_at, sentar_7.acc_diff, '-'); plot(sentar_7.created_at, sentar_7.stand_toggle, '-'); plot(sentar_7.created_at, sentar_7.state, '-'); title('sentar 7 acc') xlabel('tid') ylabel('dist [cm]') legend('acc diff','stand toggle', 'state') hold off 

this is known issue intel graphics drivers. 1 potential workaround use basic hardware rendering:

opengl hardwarebasic 

you disable alignvertexcenters property of line object:

h = findall(gca, 'type', 'line') set(h, 'alignvertexcenters', 'off') 

the best solution may update graphics drivers 4380 version.
