angularjs - ng-scrollbar issue with md-sidenav in angular material -

i'm using mailhu custom scrollbar plugin ngscrollbar.

it works fine <md-content> i'm facing issues <md-sidenav>

after execution of code

<md-sidenav md-swipe-left="sidenav_toggle()"             class="md-sidenav-left md-whiteframe-z2"             md-is-locked-open="$mdmedia('gt-sm')"             md-component-id="leftnav"             md-scroll-y             ng-scrollbars             ng-scrollbars-config="vertscrollconfig">        ... </md-sidenav> 

with vertscrollconfig -

$scope.vertscrollconfig = {                     autohidescrollbar: false,                     theme: 'minimal-dark',                     advanced:{                         updateoncontentresize: true                     },                     axis: 'y',                     scrollinertia: 400,                 }; 

i receive following $compile:multidir error -

$compile:multidir error

found stuff @ angular site didn't understand , directive emerging issue.

please respond detailed possible i'm beginner @ angular stuff.

found temporary fix..!

<script>         $('md-sidenav').mcustomscrollbar({               axis: "y",               autoexpandscrollbar: false,               autohidescrollbar: false,               theme: 'dark',               advanced:{                      updateoncontentresize: true               },               scrollbuttons: {                      scrollamount: 'auto',                       enable: true                },         }); </script> 

but thats not fine, need fix issue or called bug.
