How do I install zoom-frm.el in Emacs to get zoom by mouse-wheel? -

how install zoom-frm.el in emacs zoom mouse-wheel?

i want install zoom-frm.el emacs, i've downloaded file , placed inside .emacs.d.

now file says place (require 'zoom-frm) inside init.el, error message "cannot open file or directory zoom-frm".

can provide details on how install "addon" , set proper behaviour novice?


  1. put library (file zoom-frm.el) , libraries requires (look in file "(require") inside folder (directory) in load-path.

    the libraries required zoom-frm.el are: frame-cmds.el , frame-fns.el. zoom-frm.el requires frame-cmds.el , frame-cmds.el requires frame-fns.el. put 3 libraries in folder in load-path.

    (library frame-cmds.el can make use of libraries strings.el , misc-fns.el, not strictly required. (require...) expressions end in nil t), means these libraries "soft-required": nice have not strictly required.)

  2. put (require 'zoom-frm) in init file, after part of init file define load-path.

  3. to mouse-wheel zooming, follow instructions in zoom-frm.el:

    (define-key ctl-x-map [(control ?+)] 'zoom-in/out) (define-key ctl-x-map [(control ?-)] 'zoom-in/out) (define-key ctl-x-map [(control ?=)] 'zoom-in/out) (define-key ctl-x-map [(control ?0)] 'zoom-in/out) (global-set-key (vector (list 'control mouse-wheel-down-event)) 'zoom-in) (global-set-key (vector (list 'control mouse-wheel-up-event))   'zoom-out)) (global-set-key [s-mouse-1]    'zoom-in) (global-set-key [c-s-mouse-1]  'zoom-out) ;; rid of `mouse-set-font' or `mouse-appearance-menu': (global-set-key [s-down-mouse-1] nil) 

see emacs manual, node load libraries more information, including load-path. owe become familiar information, basic information requiring (loading) library.

you can install zoom-frm.el using emacs package system melpa.
