java - Cross-Platform encryption failing in different Android versions -

i have found nice little bit of code here implements cross platform encryption. in case c# , java.

i have implemented in android version 4.4.2 (avd) , works charm. have since moved android 5.0.1 (samsung) , fails decrypt other platform has encrypted. on both sides java , c# produce padding error.

what has changed in android versions cause error?

the code being used below:

java code:

private final string characterencoding = "utf-8"; private final string ciphertransformation = "aes/cbc/pkcs5padding"; private final string aesencryptionalgorithm = "aes";  public  byte[] decrypt(byte[] ciphertext, byte[] key, byte [] initialvector) throws nosuchalgorithmexception, nosuchpaddingexception, invalidkeyexception, invalidalgorithmparameterexception, illegalblocksizeexception, badpaddingexception {     cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance(ciphertransformation);     secretkeyspec secretkeyspecy = new secretkeyspec(key, aesencryptionalgorithm);     ivparameterspec ivparameterspec = new ivparameterspec(initialvector);     cipher.init(cipher.decrypt_mode, secretkeyspecy, ivparameterspec);     ciphertext = cipher.dofinal(ciphertext);     return ciphertext; }  public byte[] encrypt(byte[] plaintext, byte[] key, byte [] initialvector) throws nosuchalgorithmexception, nosuchpaddingexception, invalidkeyexception, invalidalgorithmparameterexception, illegalblocksizeexception, badpaddingexception {     cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance(ciphertransformation);     secretkeyspec secretkeyspec = new secretkeyspec(key, aesencryptionalgorithm);     ivparameterspec ivparameterspec = new ivparameterspec(initialvector);     cipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode, secretkeyspec, ivparameterspec);     plaintext = cipher.dofinal(plaintext);     return plaintext; }  private byte[] getkeybytes(string key) throws unsupportedencodingexception{     byte[] keybytes= new byte[16];     byte[] parameterkeybytes= key.getbytes(characterencoding);     system.arraycopy(parameterkeybytes, 0, keybytes, 0, math.min(parameterkeybytes.length, keybytes.length));     return keybytes; }  /// <summary> /// encrypts plaintext using aes 128bit key , chain block cipher , returns base64 encoded string /// </summary> /// <param name="plaintext">plain text encrypt</param> /// <param name="key">secret key</param> /// <returns>base64 encoded string</returns> public string encrypt(string plaintext, string key) throws unsupportedencodingexception, invalidkeyexception, nosuchalgorithmexception, nosuchpaddingexception, invalidalgorithmparameterexception, illegalblocksizeexception, badpaddingexception{     byte[] plaintextbytes = plaintext.getbytes(characterencoding);     byte[] keybytes = getkeybytes(key);     return base64.encodetostring(encrypt(plaintextbytes,keybytes, keybytes), base64.default); }  /// <summary> /// decrypts base64 encoded string using given key (aes 128bit key , chain block cipher) /// </summary> /// <param name="encryptedtext">base64 encoded string</param> /// <param name="key">secret key</param> /// <returns>decrypted string</returns> public string decrypt(string encryptedtext, string key) throws keyexception, generalsecurityexception, generalsecurityexception, invalidalgorithmparameterexception, illegalblocksizeexception, badpaddingexception, ioexception{     byte[] cipheredbytes = base64.decode(encryptedtext, base64.default);     byte[] keybytes = getkeybytes(key);     return new string(decrypt(cipheredbytes, keybytes, keybytes), characterencoding); } 

c# code:

public rijndaelmanaged getrijndaelmanaged(string secretkey) {     var keybytes = new byte[16];     var secretkeybytes = encoding.utf8.getbytes(secretkey);     array.copy(secretkeybytes, keybytes, math.min(keybytes.length, secretkeybytes.length));     return new rijndaelmanaged     {         mode = ciphermode.cbc,         padding = paddingmode.pkcs7,         keysize = 128,         blocksize = 128,         key = keybytes,         iv = keybytes     }; }  public byte[] encrypt(byte[] plainbytes, rijndaelmanaged rijndaelmanaged) {     return rijndaelmanaged.createencryptor()         .transformfinalblock(plainbytes, 0, plainbytes.length); }  public byte[] decrypt(byte[] encrypteddata, rijndaelmanaged rijndaelmanaged) {     return rijndaelmanaged.createdecryptor()         .transformfinalblock(encrypteddata, 0, encrypteddata.length); }  /// <summary> /// encrypts plaintext using aes 128bit key , chain block cipher , returns base64 encoded string /// </summary> /// <param name="plaintext">plain text encrypt</param> /// <param name="key">secret key</param> /// <returns>base64 encoded string</returns> public string encrypt(string plaintext, string key) {     var plainbytes = encoding.utf8.getbytes(plaintext);     return convert.tobase64string(encrypt(plainbytes, getrijndaelmanaged(key))); }  /// <summary> /// decrypts base64 encoded string using given key (aes 128bit key , chain block cipher) /// </summary> /// <param name="encryptedtext">base64 encoded string</param> /// <param name="key">secret key</param> /// <returns>decrypted string</returns> public string decrypt(string encryptedtext, string key) {     var encryptedbytes = convert.frombase64string(encryptedtext);     return encoding.utf8.getstring(decrypt(encryptedbytes, getrijndaelmanaged(key))); } 

