aframe-video-controls: how to adjust the width and length of video player in PC -

every time use aframe-video-controls video. full web browser video shown. want show video specified length or width. , want put in specified position in html. how can it?

use position component position , scale component scale.

  <!-- 360 video, rotated 180-degrees select initial view. -->   <a-videosphere src="#cityvideo" rotation="0 180 0"></a-videosphere>    <!-- video controls. -->   <a-entity     video-controls="src: #cityvideo; backgroundcolor: #333; barcolor: #ef2d5e; textcolor: #dadada; infotexttop: gaze , click on icon or progress bar.; infotextbottom: double-click outside of player toggle it."     position="0 1 -2" scale="1 1.5 1"></a-entity>
